Guidelines for show participants.

All show participants are expected to treat other exhibitors with respect and to be attentive to the Local Show Chair and Ring steward as they call classes and report on ring results.

Pygora show guidelines:

In the ring:

  • Participants should not speak to the judge unless the judge asks them a direct question; this allows the judge to concentrate better and avoid bias towards competitors.

  • Goats must be shown by one participant without assistance. Spectators should not speak to animal handlers while they are in the show ring. If young children wish to participate and need guidance in the ring, please discuss this with the local show chair prior to show date to make arrangements.

  • Handlers are expected to maintain control of their goats. Aggressive animals or those causing significant disruption in the ring may be asked by the judge to step out of the ring and/or may be disqualified from participation.

Fleece Show:

  • Please no talking to the judge during the fleece show (except for show chairs, show secretary, and show steward). This is a blindly judged show, meaning the judge does not know the owner of each fleece until after the show. Comments from participants and spectators could take away from that aspect of the show and we want to keep the show entirely unbiased to further celebrate all of our Pygoras!

  • No pictures of fleeces will be allowed until judging is finished.

  • As with the in the ring rules, no distractions or behaviors inappropriate for a show will be tolerated.

Thank you for showing respect toward everyone who has contributed to the SVFF Pygora Goat and Fleece shows by observing these etiquette guidelines.